


星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.



Attaining your degree from 新利18社区学院 marks a significant milestone 在你的学术旅程中. 在新利18,我们的重点是确保你得到 acknowledgment you deserve for your commitment and effort in pursuing your program 或学习证明. 在你们准备毕业之际,我们整理了一些重要信息 在整个过程中提供帮助和指导. 万一你找不到答案 在这里,我们推荐大家探索一下 GET STARTED页面 了解更多信息.


If you're ready to graduate, submit an application to graduate through your accessBCC 账户. 更多详情请浏览 申请研究生页面.


Yes, all students who wish to be awarded their degree or certificate must complete 申请毕业. 我们不想假设你想要收到你的 degree or certificate in case you plan to change majors or repeat coursework. 在 the successful completion of 你的学位或证书, the conferred award is final 并且不会被撤销. 这个认可是对你的 学术成就.

Bristol has three graduation conferral dates: Summer Term (August 31st), Fall Term (December 31st), and Spring Term (date is based on 毕业典礼).

Students should apply to graduate in the term they are eligible to complete all degree 除了春季学期的要求. 期望完成学业的学生 all degree requirements in the summer term and have two or fewer program requirements left to graduate should apply in the spring term if they wish to participate in the 毕业典礼.

The graduation application becomes available following the last day of Add/Drop for 每一项. 如需更多资料,请参阅 申请研究生页面.

To graduate from Bristol, the number of credits required depends on the specific degree 或者你正在追求的证书. 一般来说,对于一个副学士学位,最低要求是 60学分(不包括发展课程). 然而,这是必要的 to note that you must also successfully complete all program-specific requirements 才有资格毕业.

For more detailed information on the credit requirements for your specific program, 请参阅 学术目录. The catalog provides comprehensive details about degree and certificate programs, ensuring you have the accurate information needed for successful completion.

At Bristol, "graduation" signifies the successful completion of all requirements for 你的学位或证书. 它承认你的学术成就,并标记 正式授予你的资格. 相比之下,“毕业典礼”则是庆祝活动 event where you, alongside peers and loved ones, formally mark the beginning of your post-academic旅程.

Bristol hosts an annual 毕业典礼 at the conclusion of the spring term. 确切的日期定在 校历, ensuring a memorable and timely celebration for our graduating students.

新利18提供三个等级的 证书. Students earning a Certificate of Achievement (CTACH) are eligible to participate 在毕业典礼上.

Students who complete all their courses in the fall term are invited to participate 在接下来的春季仪式上.

期望完成学业的学生 all degree requirements in the summer term who have two or fewer program requirements left to graduate are invited to the spring ceremony 在完成他们的课程之前.

期望完成学业的学生 all degree requirements in the summer term who have two or fewer program requirements left to graduate are invited to the spring ceremony 在完成他们的课程之前. 然而,文凭将只颁发给 顺利完成所有课程.

To provide proof of your degree and/or certificate to your employer, you should request 官方成绩单通过我们的 电子羊皮纸服务. This document can be sent electronically at no cost, ensuring a convenient and official 学业成绩证明.

Approximately two weeks after the conclusion of the semester, your college transcript 将显示授予的学位和/或证书.

Typically, diplomas are received within 4-6 weeks following the graduation date.

It's essential to note that while the diploma itself is not considered an official document, students in need of proof of graduation should request an official transcript 通过我们的 电子羊皮纸服务.

Your diploma includes essential information such as your full name, degree or certificate earned, major or program of study, any honors earned, and the official conferral date.

Your diploma is not only a symbol of your 学术成就 but also the perfect 纪念品,纪念您的教育之旅.

是的,您可以要求更换或复制您的文凭. 联系 注册处 提出请求,他们将提供流程指导. 请注意 每多复印一份要收25美元的费用.

While you're still welcome to participate 在毕业典礼上, please be aware that until all holds are cleared, the ability to request an official transcript 您的文凭将暂时无法邮寄. 确保顺利毕业 process by addressing any outstanding holds with the respective department.

To update your mailing address for diploma delivery, please ensure your current address 在申请毕业时是否准确. 如果,出于某种原因,你的地址改变了 您的申请,请直接联系 注册处 寻求帮助.

If you complete your final degree requirements at a Massachusetts public four-year 你有资格在新利18获得学位. 探索 masstrtransfer的反向转移 了解更多信息.

Students interested in maintaining enrollment at the college following graduation should submit a new application for a different program 或学习证明.

Receiving this message may indicate that you have not completed all your coursework 毕业必备. 请审查学位作品或咨询您的顾问,以确保 已满足所有课程/证书要求.

If you believe you're receiving this notice in error, please contact the 注册处.

To learn more about our honors designations and opportunities please visit our 毕业典礼颁奖页面.