
联邦荣誉计划 Coordinator




Past event - stay tuned for the next 荣誉展示 in 2024

All are invited to drop by the 荣誉展示, 2023年5月9日星期二晚12点起.m. - 2 p.m. 在g楼中庭. Students would love to discuss their final 荣誉项目 和你在一起. Stroll around our tables to learn about these exciting projects and how to get involved with the 荣誉项目 at Bristol.


  • 天体Cakery, Mackenzie本杰明
  • 资源 and Assistance for Bristol Students Struggling with Substance Abuse, 史黛西Botelho
  • The Fire Within: Stories of Hope and Resilience of Khmer Rouge Survivors, 陈洁丽
  • Propelling Shares and Likes into Entrepreneurial Success, AJ科尔曼
  • Generational Gaps in the Workforce, 斯蒂芬妮起重机
  • 戴尔图像处理, 炮手Cook-Dumas
  • 赋予今天的青年权力, Kenzie科斯塔
  • 禁书流行 格温Hallman
  • 大声写出来, Brenton杰克逊
  • Massachusetts Harm Reduction Services, 诺拉·约翰逊
  • 探索蒸汽, 抹胸Lima-Soares
  • Sexual Dimorphism and the Human Brain, 艾登Morgado
  • Here Lyeth: Gravestone Iconography of Early New England, 维多利亚Robidoux
  • Birds, Fly-Ins, and Trash Dives, 弗林Semenuk
  • Recognizing Toxicity in Relationships, 艾丽卡希尔沃纳尔
  • The Importance of Empathy in WWII Nursing, 梅赛德斯·索托·佩雷斯
  • Exploring Arthurian Mythology in Modern Media, 克里斯蒂娜·苏扎
  • A的危险.I., 斯皮罗Spyrou
  • 心理健康:荷尔蒙失衡如何影响情绪稳定和思维过程, 凯拉圣. 皮埃尔



Students discussed their final 荣誉项目 from the spring 2022 semester.


Video presentations that were not made in person during the event:

The Impact of the Portuguese Family System on Drug Use | Crystal Gomes

Bristol Legal Resource Hub | Melinda Santos

项目快乐治疗:探索和理解替代医疗保健:超越 Pharmaceuticals | Samantha Vieira

2021年秋季荣誉展示活动于12月7日周二至周四举行, 12月9日,从中午到下午一点.m. 每一天.

和我们即将毕业的联邦荣誉学生一起骄傲地展示他们的期末成绩 荣誉项目. With so many graduates this year, we again have changed our Showcase 从一天到多天的活动! Each day, multiple students will share their work and guests will have a chance 与他们互动.

See recordings of 每一天's presentations below.


Tuesday, December 7, noon – 1:00 p.m.

Here, There, Both or Neither: Young Immigrants' Self Identity | Nadia Calderon 

了解第一代和第二代移民如何发展他们的认同感 和归属感.

Effects of Storage on RBC Morphology | Michael Krawchuk 

红细胞在储存和储存过程中形态学变化的时间依赖性评估 它如何影响测试结果.



谁在培训谁? |阿什利·米克斯

Measuring the impacts of dog training programs on inmate handlers.

Wednesday, December 8, noon – 1:00 p.m.


一个视觉艺术研究的过程中,设计虚构的地点在不同的规模 and perspectives for use in films, animations, books, and comics.

多元文化家庭:重新构想教室的家谱| Shanna Marszalkowski-Krawitz

当今小学多元文化教学的讨论与学习计划 classroom through exploring what family means in the modern era.  


一部调查美国文化历史回声的原创文学中篇小说 围绕移民的价值观. 


尽管多年来人们对LGBT+群体的认识和接受度不断提高,但有一种倾向 still fights to be heard and understood.

Thursday, December 9, noon – 1:00 p.m.

Living with Bipolar in a Pandemic | Timothy Ferry


Neo-Nexus | Zachary Lucas

动画短片故事设置在反乌托邦/赛博朋克风格的世界使用符号学和 影像技术.

一个叫做家的地方:了解马萨诸塞州收养的影响|乔纳森 Tonin

深入了解马萨诸塞州的收养过程及其影响 of adoption on the social and emotional well-being of children.

Lunch and Learn at 荣誉展示 Week, Spring 2021 

2021年荣誉展示活动于5月3日星期一至5月4日举行 6号,从中午到下午一点.m. 每一天. 

我们即将毕业的联邦荣誉学生自豪地展示了他们最后的荣誉项目. With so many graduates this year, we have changed our Showcase Day to a 全周 的事件! Each day, multiple students shared their work and guests had a chance 与他们互动. 

Please see the recorded Zoom sessions below from each of the four days.




这项研究基于这样一个观点,即气候变化正在迫使人们四处走动 世界移民寻求更好的生活和探索之间的关系 multinational corporations and climate change.


一篇ABOUT马萨诸塞州如何将其过量死亡率保持在全国水平以下的综述 average during the Covid-19 pandemic. 


看看在2019冠状病毒病期间家庭背后发生了什么 及其潜力 可能发生的暴力.  

Gods then, Myths now; the Lore of the Bathroom | Brandon Souza 

浴室里的古代神灵. Modern myths of bathroom spirits. 它们之间有多少联系? 如何 do such Gods and myths change across the world? 


捕捉文化与新冠病毒:新贝德福德文化播客快照| Kwang Arnzen

新贝德福德文化的文化运动,挫折, 联系, 和胜利 organizations in the time of Covid-19. 

COVID-19隔离对物质使用障碍患者的影响 |贾斯汀·贡萨尔维斯 

分析 与COVID-19 相关的社会 隔离如何对个人产生负面影响 有物质使用障碍.   

停止旋转门: 马萨诸塞州矫正工作分析 System Designed to Cut Down on Recidivism Rates | Hannah Walsh  

一项深入分析 马萨诸塞州的 项目 旨在降低累犯率 和 提高效率.   

Connecting with Nature through Birdwatching | Sumedha Welgamage 

Birdwatching is much more than a pastime that benefits humans and nature. 一项研究 of how Bristol could promote birdwatching and promote nature conservation. 

Wednesday, May 5, noon – 1:00 pm 

Human 资源 Support of Working Parents | Magie Hudson 

Parents are often viewed as disadvantaged individuals in the workplace. 本研究 pursues the question of “如何 can Human 资源 Support Working Parents?”   

重新思考两极分化的美国.S. Two-party Political System | Peter (PJ) Lenza 

这项研究考察了两党制是如何使党派冲突永久化的 to represent the population properly, and ultimately weakens our democracy.  

英语语言的演变与美国经验:追踪多元文化主义的影响 and the Civil Rights Movements | Monique Santos 

描绘出促成进化的重要因素的研究 在美国, 特别强调 多元文化主义的作用 以及民权运动. 


Covid – 19’s Effect on Food Insecurity | Sara Archambault

Covid-19影响了每个人 但是 那些已经在挣扎的人受到了双重打击. 如何 has Covid-19 impacted the existing issue of food insecurity in the community?

Fire Extinguishing BOE-Bot: Concept to Prototype | Sara Hincapie

这个项目 讨论了创建一个自主的 消防机器人背后的概念.

Historical Threads: Fashion, Textiles, and the Environment | Emily Huling

看看仅次于石油和天然气的第二大破坏性行业:石油行业 快时尚.  What are the impacts of 快时尚, and how can we minimize the damage? 


Some graduating Honors students were not available to share their work live. 我们邀请 you to view their final projects below at your leisure.

Investigating STEAM Education for Little Scholars | Dahlia Joseph Albanna  

这项研究突出了美国STEAM教育的历史根源 并分析了STEAM教育对当代课堂的影响及其作用 promises for the future of education.

GameStop的崛起:Reddit如何在自己的游戏中击败华尔街| Robert Comerford

华尔街的对冲基金一直靠开车赚得盆满钵满 公司陷入困境. 如何 did Reddit turn the tables and cost them millions in 几天的事?  

Helping ESL Students Succeed in School | Aydee Morales Rivas 

这个项目调查了英语作为第二语言(ESL)的坚持率。 学习者通过收集当地和国家的数据并认为有效, 环境、经济和学术因素有助于成功或创造 障碍. 

Experimental Printmaking:  Digital and Analog | Hannah Sousa

将物理艺术创作过程与数字艺术创作过程相结合会产生什么结果? 作为一名主要从事沟通设计领域的设计师,我认为这是一种重复的问题/解决方案 把注意力放在,开放过程进行更大的实验会产生什么结果,离开 结果更加开放?

青少年情绪障碍与物质使用障碍的相互关系 |吉莉安·西尔维娅 

深入的病理生理,心理和神经原因的审查 and effects that mood disorders may have on substance use disorders.